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Hardware Xplatform C64 tools Programming

this is an ever ongoing process of sorting "as w.i.p. as the universe itself until finished but if you're into it and wanna get going from zit or from 'abit you'll probably find SOMETHING, tho for tutes and coding explanation the 'ropes64' pages is probably better

... pick-a-but-choo (... crank humor ... working on it, e.t.a. 2151 or "until the world is fixed")
      PLEASE NOTE : i hate to waste time on this but its 2023 : we are NOT the sites linked to so we are not responsible for them, if theres anything you dont trust, then dont click it or use it and if you do achteraf niet zougen, this is all stuff we, myself and i personally explored or used at least once, thats all (barely ever use windows btw ... so most shit wont apply anyway)

do understand there be sites that dont https in it mostly since there is zero use for a https connection on those sites at all, but the first rule of JoGclub is : if you dont have the confidence to trust it, then dont use it :)