	   _____  .__  .__                _________         __   
	  /  _  \ |  | |  |   ____ ___.__.\_   ___ \_____ _/  |_ 
	 /  /_\  \|  | |  | _/ __ <   |  |/    \  \/\__  \\   __\
	/    |    \  |_|  |_\  ___/\___  |\     \____/ __ \|  |  
	\____|__  /____/____/\___  > ____| \______  (____  /__|  
			\/               \/\/             \/     \/      

as _-=-w.i.p.-=-_ as the universe until 2020 + 10^1100 ever will be :

ctrl +/- to zoom (in most browsers)

     .o88b.    dD     j88D  
    d8P  Y8   d8'    j8~88  
    8P       d8'    j8' 88  
    8b      d8888b. V88888D 
    Y8b  d8 88' `8D     88  
     `Y88P' `8888P      VP  

< - 640 px = 2*320 - >(8px)

very well aware thats not petsci ...(2*8px)
press spacebar on left joystick to skip ...(2*8px)
phaser seems to have issues with firefox at 1440x900 maybe other resolutions, otherwise it should run fine in all, b/c webdev is so much fun its also possible you need to click the canvas before the sound starts playing - we recommend chrome or edge for this (unless HD or 4K resolutions or equiv-its a bit of a gaffle why it wont render some sprites or text objects in firefox but thats out of the scope of this-tro here

back in the day a line a day kept the doctor away - ... its coding dude, not crack DAFUKS UR PROBLEM?